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小題大做 # One More Life 計劃


42 S1 to S5 students joined a social service programme “#One More Life” organised by Caring for Children Foundation and Run to Your Home. From May to October, participants visit the elderly in Kwai Chung Neighbourhood Elderly Centre once a month and attend regular online training workshops. Under the guidance of the instructors, students draw, cook, and play Molkky with the elderly. Some students interview elderly living in the neighbourhood and reflect their needs to the district councillors. This programme cultivates students’ empathy and care for others.

Students can also take part in professional seminars online about industries like artificial intelligence and information technology, which can be beneficial to their career planning. All participants are given a free desktop computer to facilitate their learning.

五月起,我們42名同學參加了福幼基金會及「跑動天賦」舉辦的「小題大做 # One More Life 計劃」。計劃為期半年,同學每月一次在接受義工訓練並探訪葵涌石蔭邨信義會葵涌長者鄰舍中心。





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