Christmas Prayer Ceremony and Celebration 聖誕感恩祈禱
Our Christmas Prayer Ceremony with “Freedom of Self-Control” as the theme was held on December 21, 2015 in the school hall. Rev. Deacon William Li Fook Sung officiated at the ceremony.
In his sermon, Rev. Deacon Li told us to discern the relation between freedom and self-control. He said that we could enjoy more freedom if we had more self-control.
After the ceremony, there was a lucky draw for all the students. Principal Li also sang a song to show his appreciation of the teachers and told students to be grateful for their teaching. He also dedicated his song to our special guests, Mr. Gregory May and Ms. Teresa Lo, who were the 1st and 2nd principal of this school as well as Mr. David Yu, a member of the Yu family, to thank them for their contribution to the school.
聖誕感恩祈禱於2015年12月21日舉行,由李福生執事為我們主禮,主題是「節制的自由」。李執事勸勉余二學 生懂得分辦自由與節制的關係,愈能自我節制,愈能得到更大的自由。李德輝校長也藉此機會向全體師生送上一曲念師恩,教導學生要多謝老師的教導,同時李校長 也將這首歌送給我們的特別嘉賓:創校校長梅元碩先生,第二任校長羅慕潔女士和學校主要贊助人余氐家族余啟超先生,感謝他們對余振強紀念第二中學的貢獻。