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Poster Design Competition 2015, OSHC 職安健海報設計比賽2015

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

The result of the Poster Design Competition 2015, held by the Property Management and Cleaning Service Safety, Occupation Safety and Health Council, has been released.

A meritorious award will be presented to Miss LAM, Sau-heung (F6D), our school's Art Ambassador.

Details of the award presentation ceremony are as follows,

Date: 7 January, 2016 (Thursday)

Place: Conference Hall, 4/F, Hong Kong Productivity Council, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong

Time: 7:00 p.m. – 7 : 30 p.m.

由職業安全健康局屬下的物業管理及清潔行業安全及健康委員會舉辦的「職安健海報設計比賽2015」已有得獎結果。經評審團嚴謹的評選後,本校藝術大使:林秀香同學 (F6D) 於學生組8個獎項中,其參賽作品獲取優異獎。 頒獎禮安排如下: 日期 ︰ 2016年1月7日(星期四) 地點 ︰ 九龍塘達之路78號生產力大樓4樓會議廳 頒獎典禮時間 ︰ 晚上7時至7時30分

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