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The 33rd Graduation Ceremony 第三十三屆畢業禮

On June 18, 2016 Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No. 2 held its 33rd Graduation Ceremony. Dr. Lai, Chi Keung Alvin, an alumnus was invited to officiate at the ceremony.

Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega opened the ceremony with a prayer followed by a talk by Supervisor Lau, Chiu-yin Peter. He encouraged our students to keep improving themselves and learning.

Principal Li, Tak-fai spoke next about our accomplishments in the 2015-16 school year, including the successful Cloud STEAM Cross-curricular Learning Campus Programme. A video highlighting the strengths of the school followed Principal Li’s talk. It was well-received by the audience. For the past year, our students have been winning sports competitions, participating in Science activities, visiting various businesses and industries, doing community service work, preparing for exams and studying.

Then Dr. Lai gave an inspirational talk on his difficult background and how he went from being a poor student to a hard-working academic with degrees from the University of Hong Kong, Imperial College of London and the University of California, Berkley. His talk was often humorous but very meaningful. He is Associate Professor of Architecture and Civil Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.

The ceremony ended with a touching speech by Ng Hiu-ting, a student from 6D class and an entertaining singing and drama show performed by some of the graduating students.

Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No. 2 is proud of all its graduates.



主禮嘉賓賴志強博士(BEng(Hons), MPhil, PhD Imperial)正是持續學習的模範。校友賴博士現任香港城市大學建築學及土木工程學系副教授。他熱愛教學,打自余二就讀年代即已視教學為終身志向。在訓詞中他分享了自余二畢業三十年來如何朝目標奮進。他自謙出身清貧家庭,成績不算突出,但憑著一份追求夢想的熱情,邊唸書邊自行賺取經費,香港大學碩士畢業後即負笈英國倫敦帝國學院深造,再赴美國柏克萊加州大學從事博士後研究,最終成就夢想。賴博士真實又真摯的分享,感動了畢業生,也啟發眾人只要堅定目標,肯努力肯刻苦,自能贏得別人的支持,成就自己。作為學兄,賴博士的確實踐了「振強精神」,是學弟學妹的良佳身教。他讓同學明白,只要認真準備及自我充實,上天定會給人開創道路。



Video of School Report 校務報告影片

Grand Occasion of Graduation Ceremony 畢業禮盛況

Presentation of Certificates 授憑儀式

Tea Gathering 畢業茶聚