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Aviation Project in YCK2

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

Flight No. YA716 of YCK2 Airlines made its maiden flight to Shenzhen on 16 July from the third runway at Chi Fu Close, Pokfulam, Hong Kong...more Date:2016-7-16 Time:2:15 -4:30 pm Venue:Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 Guests:Ir Prof Albert Kwan (professor of HKU) Mr. Vince Trevertaon CPL (Current Cathay Pilot) Mr. Joseph Ho (Associate Director of RFHK-Government Consultant) Ir Simon Mak (CEO of HKAI) Mr. Ringo Yip (Deputy Chairman of HKAI) Mr. Austin Wang (Course Director of Aero Engineering - HKAI) Ms Karen Leung (PPL and GIS Specialize) Supervisor Tsoi (Catholic Mission School/Jordan Valley St. Joseph's Primary School) Principal Fung (Catholic Mission School) Principal Chow (Mary of Providence Primary School) Principal Mak (Jordan Valley St. Joseph's Primary School) Principal Leung (Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School <Hoi Fan Road>)

YCK2 航天計劃

7月16日,香港第三條跑道由YCK2 Airline航班YA716首航,從香港薄扶林置富徑飛往深圳

日期:2016-7-16 時間:2:15 -4:30 pm 地點:余振強紀念第二中學 嘉賓:Ir Prof Albert Kwan (professor of HKU) Mr. Vince Trevertaon CPL (Current Cathay Pilot) Mr. Joseph Ho (Associate Director of RFHK-Government Consultant) Ir Simon Mak (CEO of HKAI) Mr. Ringo Yip (Deputy Chairman of HKAI) Mr. Austin Wang (Course Director of Aero Engineering - HKAI) Ms Karen Leung (PPL and GIS Specialize) 蔡楷俊校監 (天主教總堂區學校/佐敦谷聖若瑟天主教小學) 馮淑楷校長 (天主教總堂區學校) 周詠詩校長 (天佑小學l) 麥天賜校長 (佐敦谷聖若瑟天主教小學) 梁綺媚校長 (大角咀天主教小學 <海帆道>)

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