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2016-10-15 S1 Experience Day 中一體驗日

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

On 15th October, more than 50 parents and students from Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School and St. Peter's Catholic Primary School participated in the "YCK2 S1 Experience Day”at our school. We were honored to have Mr. TSOI Kai-chun, MH, former Chairman of Subsidized Primary Schools Council and member of the Central Management Committee for Diocesan Schools, as speaker. The ceremony was also attended by Principal Chau Wing Sze, Principal Yau Yue Man and PTA vice chairman Mr. Wong Chi Keung.

The “S1 Experience Day”started off with a sharing by Leia Lee from S.1B on her first-hand experience under the new school-based internationalized curriculum. Supervisor Tsoi went on to elaborate the areas parents need to pay attention to when selecting secondary schools for their children. That day, parents and students found out more about our school-based international curriculum from Principal Stephen Li and Vice-principal Sammy Shum. Parents were aware that we are a progressing school that provides education for different kinds. We believe that every kid is number one, so all of us have a chance to shine before others.

Students were thrilled to join the wide range of learning activities offered. All of them took part actively and enthusiastically. At the STEAM Centre, students could appreciate astrology. Then, they became Running Man and applied their English knowledge to solve English puzzles. In addition, there were scientific experiments of metal ions for science lovers. All learning activities were carefully designed for students of diverse abilities and interests, so that everyone had the opportunity to show their talents and develop their potential. Every student’s efforts were highly appreciated and YCK2 was delighted to present a certificate of award for their excellent performance.


首先,F1B Leia Lee分享她於校本國際班的上課情况及學習心得。蔡校監從選校原則、申請派位的程序及選校策略三方面,讓家長了解「知己」子女的特質和「知彼」掌握中學資訊的渠道,內容深入淺出,家長獲益甚多。接著,李德輝校長和兩位副校長介紹學校發展、校本國際化課程和各項的計劃,讓家長了解「余二」是一所蛻變中的學校,提供不一樣的教育,並深信每個孩子都是第一名,讓孩子成為「地上鹽,世上光」。

當天,活動豐富多元,寓學習於活動,同學們都表現得相當投入和雀躍。當中,可在STEAM Centre欣賞天文星象、化身Running Man以英語破解難關和進行科學金屬離子實驗。在各項活動中,不同能力和興趣的同學均有機會一展身手,發揮潛能。接著,由兩位副校長和家教會王副主席致送獎狀予同學,活動在一片歡笑聲中結束。