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Our students successfully passed an Outward Bound Program 本校同學成功完成外展學校課程

Writer's picture: YCK2YCK2

Outward Bound was the very first organization founded to motivate individual initiative, acceptance of responsibility and self-confidence. We are also the first and only experiential training organization in Asia that's officially accredited by the Association for Experiential Education. Each year more than 250,000 people worldwide complete an Outward Bound course. Many are profoundly changed by the experience. Our students engaged in activities which develop self-confidence, independence and responsibility for themselves, as well as an appreciation of the needs of others and the world around them. They feel proud of their achievements and the new skills they have learned.

本校同學於一月一日至一月五日成功完成五天外展訓練學校(Outward Bound)課程,滿完各項要求並獲頒發國際認可証書。

外展訓練學校(Outward Bound)是全球首個旨在激發個人進取精神,責任心以及自信的專業培訓機構。它同時也是亞洲首個和唯一受到國際體驗式教育協會 (AEE) 正式認可的體驗式培訓機構。每年,全世界有超過25萬人完成外展訓練課程,大部分參加者因此獲得重大轉變。本校學生領袖接受外展訓練課程後,將能見證一個充滿鬥志,煥發精力與自信的年青人。


4C陳星豪 4C鄭芷欣 4C趙浩宏 4C周洛賢 4C李振荣 4C劉梓晴

5B曾采瑩 5D鄺偉鵬 5D黎梓烽 5D冼家曦 5D譚可怡 5D鍾政

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