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Joint School Visual Arts Exhibition 聯校視覺美術展

From 2nd Feb to 4th Feb, our school, together with Catholic Mission School, Jordan Valley St. Joseph Catholic Primary School, TaikokTsui Catholic Primary School, Choi Ha Estate Kit Sum Kindergarten, Guangzhou Saiguan Puiching Primary School, held a visual arts exhibition titled ‘Art without Boundary, Garden of Dreams’ at Hong Kong Central Library. The opening ceremony was attended by the Under Secretary for Education, Yeung Yun Hung, Kevin, JP and the Bursar of the Diocese, Father Chan Kwok Fai. 3rd February was the day for the prize-giving ceremony and student variety show. Senior School Development Officer, Mrs Kwok Wong Mun Yi, the guest at the ceremony, pointed out the importance of arts education on nurturing the generic skills. School director, Lau Chiu Yin, hoped that students would be able to share their kindness and joy in their hearts with others through arts in order to build a world of unity.

Forty-seven students have their work displayed in the exhibition. The artistic talents of every student is shown through photography and water-paint. In addition, students showed their talents through Cantonese opera, harmonica performance and reading aloud poems. Yeung Chun Keung Memorial School 2 has been dedicated to enriching students’ learning experience because that would make everyone a champion through self-actualization.

2月2日至4日,本校聯同佐敦谷聖若瑟天主教小學、天主教總堂區學校、大角嘴天主教小學、天主教彩霞邨潔心幼稚園和廣州西關培正小學,於香港中央圖書館聯辦「美術無疆界‧童真夢世界」視藝展。教育局副局長楊潤雄先生 JP及教區總務長陳國輝神父擔任開幕禮主禮嘉賓。2月3日本校進行頒獎禮暨學生表演日,主禮嘉賓教育局高級學校發展主任郭黃敏儀女士指藝術教育對培養個人的共通能力起有重要作用。劉超賢校監也期望同學透過藝術展現內心的美善和喜悅,並與他人分享,共建大同世界。


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