YCK2 Students Shining Through in SCMUN 2022 余二學生在聯校模擬聯合國會議大放光芒
In August, some YCK2 students, including Inaki Boube (2B), Ng Eldrik Jhaz (3B), Williams David Raditya(6B), Mcneill Marc Kelvin (6B), Gurung Nigel (6B), Oh Eun Young Charmeine (4B) and Rwemera Ione (4B) took part in the Inter-school Model UN Conference: SCMUN 2022. This activity was to help children build up their vision and mission as chief national leaders and to develop their perspectives on global issues.
In this activity, students were put into groups representing different countries. They had to do some research about their country’s situations, undergo group discussion and to then present speeches in defense of national interest.
Facing the large audience, our students overcame nervousness and were able to present their ideas eloquently with strong confidence.
Because of outstanding performance, our students were given a trophy in recognition of their efforts and impressive delivery in the activity.
Later, Inaki Boube (2B) was invited to give a sharing about his debating experience in the Inter-school Model UN Conference: SCMUN 2022 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre. Inaki paid tribute to the YCK2 for training him and giving him plenty of debate opportunities, and also See Change Education for organizing such a great activity. He said he had made many friends in the conference and improved his delivery skills. He hoped he would join this activity next year. Our teacher, Mr Leung, also gave a brief sharing on how YCK2 students made dramatic improvement in this year’s debate activities and hoped YCK2 students would continue outshining in upcoming debating competitions next year.
隨後,英文科梁老師及Inaki Boube (2B)同學應主辦單位邀請於香港會議展覽中心分享。Inaki感謝學校及主辦機構的舉薦,讓他在辯論課程中日漸優化演說技巧。梁老師也感謝主辦單位及各余二英文老師的協助,讓同學的英語能力愈趨進步,在模擬聯合國比賽表現出色,並於「香港中學辯論協會比賽」中取得冠軍及亞軍。
Inaki Boube (2B)
Oh Eun Young Charmeine (4B)
Rwemera Ione (4B)
Ng Eldrik Jhaz (3B)
Williams David Raditya(6B)
Mcneill Marc Kelvin (6B)
Gurung Nigel (6B)
(Written by Mr. Michael Leung)