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About the Competition

To promote academic exchange and to cultivate students’ logical thinking abilities so as to enhance their numerical skills and learning abilities, YCK2 will organize the ‘Second Mathematical Olympiad for the World Elites’on 14th April 2018 at the University of Hong Kong. We hope this can implement our belief that ‘Every Kid is No. 1’ by providing ‘A Platform of a Different Kind’ and ‘An Education of a Different Kind’ for students.

Details of the competition are as follows: 

Objective: To promote and popularize mathematics. To enhance students’ knowledge and interest in mathematics and promote team spirit in solving problems. 

Date: 14th April, 2018 (Saturday) 

Time: 9:15 am-12:30 pm (Prize-giving ceremony will be held at 12 noon. Parents are welcome to attend) 


Venue: Yu Chun Keung Tam Shuk Yin Lecture Theatre, 3/F CPD3.28, The Jockey Club Tower, The University of Hong Kong

Award Presenters

  • Mr. Alan YU, Donor of School Founded in 1982

  • Prof. Albert KWAN, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU

  • Dr. Stephen NG, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, HKU

  • Mr. CHAN Sau Tang, Curriculum Development Officer (Mathematics), EDB

  • Mr. Dominic CHU, MH, Supervisor, Catholic Mission School

  • Mr. FUNG Suk Kai, Principal, Catholic Mission School

  • Mr. LEUNG Hau Yau, Principal, Meng Tak Catholic School

Individual Awards

  1. Time allowed is 30 minutes.

  2. All contestants should sit according to the seating plan and answer all questions (about 15 questions).

  3. During the competition, contestants cannot discuss with each other.


Overall Team Award

Math Trail Team Awards

  1. The competition time is 30 minutes.

  2. Contestants have to solve mathematics problems in different locations of the University of Hong Kong campus under the guidance of our helpers.

  3. Each team should answer questions on a tablet computer provided by the Organizer. There will be just one question appearing on the computer at a time. It will not proceed to the next question until an answer has been submitted. Changes to the answers are not allowed after submission.

附註:參賽學校名單 (排名不分先後) 

1. 英皇書院同學會小學第二校

2. 聖公會田灣始南小學

3. 聖公會置富始南小學

4. 保良局王賜豪(田心谷)小學

5. 香港南區官立小學

6. 大角嘴天主教小學(海帆道)

7. 香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學

8. 天主教明德學校

9. 嘉諾撒聖心學校

10. 華富邨寶血小學

11. 聖伯多祿天主教小學

12. 北角官立小學

13. 荔枝角天主教小學

14. 救恩學校

15. 香島道官立小學

16. 蘇浙小學

17. 海怡寶血小學

18. 嘉諾撒培德學校

19. 天主教聖安德肋小學

20. 長洲聖心學校

21. 天主教總堂區學校

22. 天佑小學

23. 聖方濟各英文小學

24. 油蔴地天主教小學

25. 香港潮商學校


  • The Organizer reserves the right to decide on issues not mentioned above, including change of competition time when necessary. The decision of the organizing committee is final. 

  •  In the case of (i) typhoon signal no. 3 or above (ii) Red or Black rainstorm warning or (iii) close of school announced by Education Bureau, all competitions on the day will be cancelled and re-scheduled 

  • accordingly. 

  • Contestants should arrive at the venue before 9:30 a.m. 


Monitoring Committee: 

Prof. Albert KWAN (Department of Civil Engineering, HKU) 

Dr. Stephen NG (Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, HKU) 

Mr. CHAN Sau Tang (Curriculum Development Officer (Mathematics), EDB)

Individual Prizes

Prizes are given according to the marks. The highest 10% students will get the gold prize. The second highest 10% students will get the silver prize and the third 20% students will get the bronze prize and the fourth highest 30% students will get the merit prize. All other participants will receive a certificate of participation. The prize winners will get a gold, silver or bronze medal, as well as a certificate of commendation.

Math Trail Prizes

Prizes will be given according to the marks and the teams with the highest marks will be awarded the Champion, First Runner-up, Second Runner-up and Merit Prizes.  The prize winners will get a gold, silver or bronze medal, as well as a certificate of commendation.


Overall Team Prizes

According to the overall performance, each team will be award a trophy.

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