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ICT in Physics 物理實驗課

隨著科技發展﹐本校的教學方法亦與時並進。從前學習物理學的下墜運動,多用每秒50次的打點機作位移的紀錄和計算,或使用高速攝影機把整個運動過程紀錄。時至今天,學生只要利用 iPad 的高速攝錄功能﹐配以簡單的實驗室儀器,便可以把整個運動過程紀錄下來。

學生以小組形式,自行思考和設計實驗﹐並以 iPad 把過程一一紀錄。因為 iPad 的操作簡單,學生容易上手,而且學生在拍攝的過程中不斷改進整個實驗的設計,因而能進行更深入的探究。同時﹐以 iPad 作為實驗用具之一,令學生的興趣和課堂投入也同時提升不少。

在紀錄完實驗後,靠著慢速重播的功能,逐格回放著以 30fps (frames per second) 拍攝之短片,研究不同物品的下墜過程﹐同學都顯得很感興趣。

Our school simply used iPad’s high speed recording technology to record the downward motion of objects. In the past, we could only use RBI machines to keep track of the motion.

In Physics lessons, students were asked to form groups among themselves and design individual experiments. They used iPad to keep track of the whole process of downward motion.

After the experiment, students played back the whole process in slow motion. They were highly excited by this new technology.

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