A Visit to Lamma Power Station and Lamma winds power station
Date : 2015-11-16 (Monday)
23 students from the senior forms have joined the visit to Lamma Power Station and Lamma winds power station organized by Business-School Partnership Programme (BSPP) and Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd on 2015-11-16(Mon). Students have studied the history of electricity supply in Hong Kong, the pros and cons of using natural gas as a source of energy over burning of coal, as well as the environmental issue raised.
From the visit to the solar panel and Lamma Winds Power Station located up the hill in Lamma Island, students have learnt the development of renewable energy in Hong Kong. Although the renewable power source is only a small proportion of Hong Kong electricity supply, its importance has given out student an opportunity to think carefully it’s time to take up our responsibility to support sustainable development.
