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STEAM Carnival STEAM 嘉年華


STEAM Carnival

The STEAM Carnival took place on 13th December. Students from eight primary schools participated in the event. Father Flavien of Our Lady of Lourdes Church commenced the event with a prayer. Principal Li expressed his gratitude to our guests at the opening speech. At the carnival, audiences were deeply enchanted by the science experiments Dr. Jason Chan, from the Department of Chemistry at HKUST, and his team conducted to illustrate chemistry in everyday life. They also enjoyed the rest of the day playing at the different science and technology stalls our school prepared. Participants had great fun enriching their mathematical and science knowledge while engaging in the lively learning atmosphere of our carnival.


本校在2019年12月13日舉辦了「STEAM 嘉年華」,有8所天主教教區小學及友校小學的學生參加。開幕禮由鮑致謙神父帶領祈禱。李德輝校長致歡迎辭,感謝各位嘉賓撥冗蒞臨,祝願活動取得豐碩成果。是次很榮幸邀請了香港科技大學化學系陳鈞傑博士及其團隊現場示範既精彩又有趣的科學實驗,讓學生體驗科學的趣味。此外,會場攤位活動多元化,讓學生從活動中學習,豐富他們的數理和科普知識。最後,伴隨著悠揚的樂聲和歡樂的氣氛,活動圓滿結束。


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