Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 The 40th Speech Day
21 June,2023 marked the 40th Speech Day of Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2. This year, we are delighted to have Mr Taimoor Khan, a graduate from YCK2 in 2006 to be our officiating guest. With the presence of guests, parents and teaching staff, the F.6 graduates received their leaving certificates one by one on stage, which marked a new chapter in their lives.
The ceremony started with the opening prayer and Gospel sharing by Father Rev. Pierre Lam Minh. He congratulated the graduates on their successful completion of their secondary school life and thanked all staff for their support for the graduates along the way. This was followed by the welcoming speech and presentation of the school report by Principal Li.
After that, our officiating guest, Mr Taimoor Khan gave some words of encouragement to our graduates. He first shared the challenges he faced in his path to become a registered Chinese medicine practitioner. He then highlighted to the graduates the importance of relationships and emotional management in navigating our life journey.
6A Leo Siu and 6B David then delivered the vote of thanks on behalf of all F.6 graduates. Lastly, we had two students’ performances, the Dramatic Monologue presentation by 3B Keith and the singing performance by some F.6 graduates. The ceremony came to an end with the singing of the school song by everyone in the school hall.
